It is a non-profit-making corporation that is allowed to perform activities serving the public which are, prescribed by law. In case of the NPO tendo world aikido there are following fields: 1. Promotion and spreading of culture and sports. 2. Physicaly and psycologicaly health education of children and adolescents, health improvement of the general public. 3. International exchange, training of the international members.
non-profit-making = The money gained by above mentioned activities will be returned to the activities of the members. A group of as many as possible people should profit from the organization, not only a specific target group. Profit not only in the sense of economic aspects, but in achieving mental and physical progress.
A public corporation is a legal unit, which gives responsibility and property not only one single person, but a legal organization.
chairman | Kenji Shimizu |
executive commitee | Ikko Sasaki, Sato Mashiba |
representatives | Lehrerschaft des Tendokans und andere Mitglieder, insges. 11 Personen |
auditors | Tsutomu Ishino, Yoshio Takahashi |
secretary | Koichi Watanabe |
(a small group within the organization which decides about the most important matters)
Annual general meeting: every year in March
Basic duties:
The comitee is composed of the persons mentioned under item No. III.
Once a year the books must be agreed and an annual report on the activities that took place submitted to the Japanese government authorities.
Tokyo 20. year number 893
registered: September 8, 2008