This year again we received numerous guests from various countries to our yearly Tendokan seminar. Initially we calculated with about 80 participants, however the number of applications rose to 90, among these 20 interested students from abroad. It wasn't easy to convince the Kannon Onsen Hotel to provide more rooms for accomodation. In the end however we managed to accept all interested parties.
The aikido practice didn't take place as a sporting event, but was meant to strengthen the attitude towards budo. Furthemore we organized a BBQ-party in the open, that started at 4:30 p.m. and everybody was enjoying oneself while having delicious food and drinks until late in the evening at about 10:00 p.m. It was even seen that we had illumination in the magnificent garden of Kannon Onsen Hotel, which we had a special permission to use.
Is was a cheerful harmonious get-together among likeminded people and despite of differing mother tongues there was no language barrier. It seemed the starry sky over the mountains of Shimoda (Izu) twinkling like diamonds was welcoming us.
Shimizu Kenji