Dear Aikidoka,
twice, in the years 2020 and 2021, the traditional seminar on the Herzogenhorn had to be cancelled due to corona. Although the pandemic situation is still present, we are planning the 2022 Herzogenhorn seminar.
The first week will be from 25th of june until the 2nd of july, the second week from the 2nd until the 9th of july - please note, that both weeks are saturday to saturday. The official invitation will follow shortly.
Due the corona-situation the Herzogenhorn-Crew made some concessions about the deadlines, but we are also very late. Therefore the period to register will end in the middle of february. We would like to ask you to promote the seminar in your groups - only if we can fill both weeks the Herzogenhorn 2022 will take place.
Best regards from the Herzogenhorn-Orgateam